Tulsa Ballet
The story of Tulsa Ballet began in 1956. Husband and wife Roman Jasinski and Moscelyne Larkin, and musician Rosalie Talbott, founded Tulsa Ballet Theatre, blending classical dance with dramatic theatre. Internationally known dancers in the Ballet Russe tradition, Jasinski and Larkin set the tone for artistic excellence – a foundation that has been preserved and built upon for decades. Today, Tulsa Ballet annually reaches more than 40,000 individuals across Oklahoma and employs a multi-cultural roster of dancers comprised of 22 highly-skilled professionals representing 8 different countries.
Tulsa Ballet indulges audiences from across Oklahoma year-round. Click here to see upcoming performances.
Get tickets to unforgettable Tulsa Ballet performances. Individual, season, and group tickets available. Click here to get started.
The Tulsa Ballet Center for Dance Education (CDE) provides high quality ballet training for students age 3 to adults taught by distinguished instructors. Click here to see more information.
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